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Page 16
And then he thrust forward, hard. Lisandra felt a tearing pain, a flooding warmth and a trickle of liquid running into the cleft of her ass. She cried out, pushing at his massive chest but he continued thrusting into her, pushing himself as far as he could into her body.
Lisandra felt the breath being pushed out of her lungs by his sheer size, by the weight of him on her body. He was grunting and bellowing, his wide mouth open. She squirmed beneath him, panicked that she would be crushed. She pounded her fists against his arms and shoulders, willing him to lift himself from her.
Suddenly he pulled away from her, rising up on his arms, looking down at her, his brows drawn together. She drew a deep breath, momentarily forgetting the huge cock that thrust into her body as she drew air into her lungs. She looked up into his eyes, seeing a hint of confusion in their depths.
“You were crushing me,” she said simply. He snorted, cocking his head, giving her a look she couldn’t read.
“Well, we’ve settled the burning question of the day: you are—or were—a virgin.” He settled back over her, resting on his elbows, his cock still buried inside her body. He began thrusting more slowly; still, he was huge and Lisandra gasped with each thrust. But the small fire that had started earlier had grown.
As much as she was disgusted by this monstrous creature, the sheer presence of his massive cock in her body was doing things to her that aroused her. Each thrust brought Galen to mind, made her remember how she’d wanted him to do this to her, to thrust his cock into her, and she wished now she’d let him, that he had been the first, not this huge Minotaur.
The beast was grunting loudly now, his thrusts growing faster and more frantic. Suddenly he lifted his head, bellowing loudly. Lisandra felt his hips twitching, his legs moving between hers as he spread them, pushing himself further into her.
She bit her lip as he thrust once, twice, very hard, his huge balls slapping against her ass. And then she felt his cock pulse as he came, his hot liquid filling her as he continued bellowing, rising up on his hands, driving himself relentlessly forward, every muscle tensed.
Finally…finally he began to relax. He pulled himself out of Lisandra, kneeling between her legs. He was breathing heavily through his mouth, his head hanging, chest heaving, hands resting on his massive thighs.
Lisandra realized that, for a moment, he was utterly vulnerable, totally at the mercy of his body. She looked at him in wonder, as he knelt there, catching his breath. Her glance stole down to his cock, now softer, still covered with a film of her blood. She struggled to rise up, resting on her elbows.
“It was good.” Her eyes flew to his. The Minotaur was looking down at her. “You were good.” He rose, kicking the chain aside.
“But you are not done yet. I’m not done with you.” He reached down, grabbing her arm, pulling her roughly to her feet. She looked up at him, breathing hard. His eyes were fastened on her breasts, watching them as they bounced and swayed as he jerked her toward him. She glanced down, horrified to see his cock was again erect, thick and hard and apparently he was ready to use it on her again, in some way.
“Kneel.” He pushed her down, and she dropped to the ground in front of him. He grabbed her head, pulling the ribbons from her head, unwinding the braid and pulling her hair. She winced as he tangling his fingers in the strands. He finally pulled her head toward his cock, holding it in his hand, the head rising up before her face.
The Minotaur rubbed the head of his cock over her face, down her cheeks, across her lips. She closed her eyes, holding her lips tightly closed.
“Suck it, sweet girl…Lisandra. Take it all into your mouth.” He poked at her lips and she opened her mouth, letting him thrust his cock into her mouth. She tasted his come, mixed with the coppery taste of her own blood. She wanted to gag, to spit him out but she held her breath and let him thrust into her.
He seemed more relaxed, not in such a frantic hurry to come this time, his thrusts slower as he forced himself deeper and deeper into her mouth. She looked up at him; his eyes were closed, his mouth open, breathing hard but not panting. He held her head loosely, rocking his hips forward as he pushed his cock into her.
Lisandra closed her eyes, remembering all the times she’d taken Galen into her mouth, willingly, sucking him over and over, making him cry out, teasing him until he begged her to let him come.
And then it came to Lisandra; the only control she had here was her sex, her power with her mouth and her hands. Her eyes flew open, looking up at the Minotaur. Could she use this as a bargaining chip? Could she tease him like she had Galen? Make him beg and then make him agree to release her?
With nothing to lose, she began sucking the Minotaur, working him further into her mouth, swirling her tongue over him. She tried to pull back, to bob her head, but he snorted, looking down at her, holding her head still.
Instead she tilted her head back, relaxing, letting him thrusting into her further. He looked down, frowning, cocking his head to the side, but he willingly forced his cock further into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. She gagged but kept him in her mouth, sucking as best she could.
She reached out then, running her hands up his massive thighs. He twitched away at her touch but she slid her hands up his inner thighs, taking the massive shaft of his cock in her hands. There was so much of it that could never fit in her mouth and she wrapped both hands around it, stroking it in time with his thrusts, twisting her hands, sliding them up and down the thick shaft.
He grunted again, looking down at her. She met his gaze and held it, watching him as he watched her, his cock sliding in and out of her mouth and now, her small hands wrapped around his gigantic cock. An unreadable look crossed his ugly face and then he was panting, thrusting hard into her mouth.
Lisandra reached down, grabbing one of his balls, rolling and fondling it in her hand. And her touch he threw his head back, bellowing loudly. He gripped her head with both hands, grunting with each thrust, almost frantically pushing himself at her.
As he thrust, Lisandra felt his cock swell, felt it grow impossibly hard in her mouth. And then he was coming, the first massive spurt almost choking her. She panicked, pounding her fists against his thighs, retching against his cock. He looked down, pulling himself from her mouth, holding his cock in his hand as he continued coming, his hot seed flooding over her face, running down her chest, dripping off her hard nipples.
The Minotaur dropped to his knees in front of Lisandra, his cock still in his hands, creamy liquid dribbling from the end. He looked at her, his mouth open, breathing hard.
“What did you do? How did you know to do that?” He was gasping, his eyes locked with hers.
“I may have been a virgin, but I did other things of pleasure with a man.” She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand.
The Minotaur looked at her for a moment and then rose. He held out his hand to her.
“Come. There is something you should see.”
Lisandra hesitated, then took his hand. He led her to the stone in the center of the courtyard. She saw there were inscriptions and carvings, worn smooth by time and the elements. Each panel showed the Minotaur, along with other figures. Some images depicted the Minotaur with naked women, engaged in sex with them in all manner of positions. Others showed the Minotaur with a massive spear, the ground before him littered with the small bodies of dead men.
“This is the story of how I came to be. Of how I was cursed, how I was brought here, tied to this God forsaken maze. It tells that each year I am to be presented with a virgin or I am committed to exact revenge on the kingdom.” He pointed to the panel at the top of the stone.
“And it shows this.”
It showed a sun shape, rays extending from horizon to horizon. In the carving, there was a naked pair, a woman and a man, the maze in flames behind them. She looked at the inscription but it was not in any language she knew. She looked up at the Minotaur.
“If I am given a virgin who is not a virgin, who knows without k
nowing, I shall be free.” He turned to her.
“I had no idea what that meant. It made no sense. Until now.” He put his hands on her shoulders, his eyes meeting hers, his gaze searching her face.
“You are the virgin who isn’t a virgin; the one who knows without knowing.”
She shook her head, not understanding. He pointed at the image.
“The final image is of me, and now I believe you, leaving this maze in flames, under the rays of the morning sun.” He looked down at her.
“I am just as cursed as you are; we are both here against our will. And the only way I’ve ever known to break the curse is to be sent a virgin who has something, knowledge, some kind of a power, that none of the others have possessed.
“Let me tell you what has happened to the countless other virgins who have been sent to me. Several died of fright at the mere sight of me. Most just gave up, letting me use their bodies until they were broken and exhausted and I tossed them aside. Their bodies dissolved into the ground, just as your robe did.” He took a deep breath.
“Not one of these girls knew what was happening to them, what I was doing to them, nor had any idea what they could do to me, of the power that they all had. You seem to know all this, but how?”
Lisandra looked at the Minotaur, frowning. “I have a man, Galen, the love of my life, in my village. I’ve…done things with him, to him…and he to me. All except that one thing that would have kept me from being sent here. That would have kept me from you.”
The Minotaur took her by the shoulders. “That must be it. You have discovered the power that every woman has, the sexual power inherent in every woman. But why you? Why have you discovered this and no other woman?”
Lisandra sighed. “Girls in my village are expected to be virgins until they marry, then give themselves to their husbands. No one talks about the pleasure of sex, no one.” She shrugged. “I discovered with Galen how much I loved the pleasure he could create in my body. And I found out how much pleasure I could give him, with my hands, my mouth…”
Lisandra looked down, feeling her face flush. “I’ve never thought about it, other than I was the only girl I knew who felt like this. I thought there was something wrong with me.” She looked up at the Minotaur. “And I kept it a secret, knowing I’d be looked at as a fallen woman, a whore, cast aside in my village. And Galen kept my secret, because he loved me.”
The Minotaur looked from her to the standing stone. “Lisandra, would you be willing to replicate every scene on this stone? To let me do to you what each image depicts?”
She looked at the stone. There were dozens of images, each with the Minotaur taking a woman, each showing some depiction of him having sex.
“We’ve done the first two, I’ve taken your virginity. And you’ve taken me in your mouth.” The Minotaur pointed to the stone. “I follow the same pattern with each virgin. But, as I’ve told you, none have had any idea of what to expect, or what to do. Some of the things would require your true consent, not by force.” He then he dropped his head, lowering his voice.
“And I hurt some of them, out of frustration or just carelessness. They wouldn’t respond, wouldn’t talk or help themselves.” He shook his head, his horns catching the sun.
“And for them, I feel regret.” He lifted his face to Lisandra. “I will try to not hurt you.” He touched her face, gently tracing her cheek. “I can be gentle.”
Lisandra looked at him and then the stone. She closed her eyes briefly. Then, she looked directly at the Minotaur.
“Tell me your name. How were you called before you were turned into a Minotaur?”
He looked at her, wide-eyed. “I was called Will.” He looked over her head. “No one has called me that in centuries.”
“Will. I like that.” For the first time in weeks, Lisandra smiled. “If this…” she waved her hand at the stone “…will get us out of here, then I’m willing to give it a try.”
She almost cried at the look of hope on Will’s face. He took her hands, holding them briefly to his lips. She felt his hot breath on her hands, the coarse hairs of his mouth brushing against her skin. But instead of revulsion and disgust, she felt hope as well.
Will made good on his promise to do everything to her the stones depicted. He positioned her on her hands and knees, covering her as a bull would a cow in the field. She took his cock fully into her body, gasping as he thrust into her. She felt him reach between her legs, finding her clit, rubbing it hard as he stretched and filled her with his length and girth.
They came together, Will bellowing, Lisandra crying out beneath him as he held her hips, filling her with his hot seed. She jerked in his hands as he held her, as the pleasure in her body filled her and then slowly seeped away.
It grew dark and still he continued, each position carved in his memory, knowing which came next. He held her against his body as he kneeled on the ground, his hands on her hips as he pushed her down on his cock. Lisandra wrapped her arms around his shaggy neck, hanging on as he rocked his hips upward, forcing himself further into her than she could ever have dreamed.
She straddled his hips as he lay on the grass, riding him hard, slamming her body down on his massive cock, facing him, her hands on his chest, the dark shrouding his face from her, feeling him shuddering beneath her, hearing him cry out as he came.
He took her standing, easily holding her weight as thrust into her. He took her standing from behind, as she braced herself against the standing stone, her fingers digging into the rock, feeling the carvings beneath them, feeling them pressed against her face.
Lisandra lost track of time. She was gasping, her body shuddering and convulsing in orgasm after orgasm, as Will continued taking her, filling her over and over with his hot seed. She could feel it running down her legs when she stood. But still he kept taking her, still there was another way he knew to fill her, another carving’s instructions to follow.
The sky was a pale gray when Will rolled away from her. He threw himself on the grass beside her, his chest heaving from his last orgasm. He’d placed her flat on the ground and entered her from behind, holding his body above hers, careful not to crush her, but it was still punishing as he thrust into her, bellowing above her once more as he came, as she clutched the grass, tearing it from the earth, another orgasm tearing through her.
She was till on her stomach, eyes closed, body totally exhausted. She heard Will stirring on the grass, felt him moving. She wasn’t sure she could take another encounter with him, that her body would accept his cock one more time. Taking a deep breath, she pushed herself up on her knees, her eyes closed, head hanging low. And then Will spoke.
“Open your eyes, Lisandra. Look at me.” Lisandra did as she was told. The light was soft and pearl gray, the first pink tinges of a glorious sunrise visible over the edge of the shrubbery.
“What do you see? Tell me what I am to you.”
Lisandra looked up at him, standing before her. She looked over his body, the body of a beautiful, powerful man. Her eyes traveled up to his face. She gasped.
“You are a beautiful man,” she breathed. She stood, reaching out to touch his cheek. It was smooth, soft warm skin. She met his eyes. They were deep brown, looking down at her. His hair was dark brown, wavy and long. She ran her hand through it, winding her fingers in the soft strands.
“You are beautiful.” She threw her arms around his neck, holding him against her. She felt his arms wrap around her body, pressing him against his flesh. His lips found hers, a searing kiss that claimed not only her lips, but her soul.
And then, as the first rays of the sun struck it, the standing stone in the courtyard exploded in fire. Lisandra gasped and Will grabbed her hand, pulling her toward the opening in the courtyard that would lead them to the outside. He ran quickly through the shrubbery, the thorns in the foliage tearing at Lisandra’s skin. She looked back, watching the center of the of the maze burn, the flames licking at the shrubs, moving toward the edge of the maze.
bsp; Will dragged her through the last passages, the air around them growing smoky. She was coughing, holding a hand over her mouth.
And then, they broke into the forest, stumbling across the stony ground to the small track that ran at the edge of the maze. The held each other, looking back as the maze burned, the flames crackling and snapping. As the outside edge of the maze caught fire and burned, there was a loud booming noise and as suddenly as it started, the fire shrank, pulling back to the center, leaving a charred spot on the forest floor. There was nothing left, not even the standing stone.
Will turned to her, pulling her against him, burying his face in her neck. She felt him shaking, felt the wetness on her skin. She realized he was crying.
“What is it?” She pulled his face to hers.
He looked down at her. “I’m free, Lisandra. But I have no home.” He gestured back to the charred maze, tendrils of smoke rising slowly in the morning light. “That was my home. I’m not really sure what comes next.”
Lisandra touched his face. “I have no home either, Will. I cannot return to my village; they will not know what to do with me. I cannot bring you there.” She kissed him gently and took his hand into her own. “We will make a home…together.”
And just like that, without another word between them, Lisandra and Will headed off into the rays of the rising sun.
The Dragon’s Virgin: Reluctant Virgin Sex Slaves
The Dragon’s Virgin © 2013, Lexi Lane, Lovers Lane Publishing
Eva watched the growing shroud of wild flames from her window. The small village was so close to the castle that the crackle of the flames could be heard, even at this great height. Drifting on the breeze, the smoke cast a gray pall across the land, swirling up into the blackened sky, drowning everything in its dying mist.
“There’s not much more of the kingdom left for the dragon to burn.” King Josiah grumbled as he stood behind his daughter. He placed a firm hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. His eyes were a dark grey that bled sadness, but his voice remained firm.